ललक / Yearning

थक कर चूर
मैं जरा लेट क्या गया
शरीर को आराम की ललक हो गई
और मेरे मन को अपनी मां की गोद की


As I lie down,
after being tired
my body starts yearning for rest
and my heart for the mother’s lap…

–Kaushal Kishore


  1. You have mentioned, Kaushal, how often you think of your beloved mother, and this beautiful ditty is an example of your love for the extraordinary woman she was, and still is in your memory.


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    1. I don’t know how often, Joanna! Particularly after her demise, I have started thinking of her more. Thank you for your kind words about my mom.


    1. I agree with you, mother’s lap is the best ointment that a child can have in this world. Thank you. I’m glad that this resonates with you.

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    1. That’s so very kind, Daisy! I simply write as hobby, not by profession. I write what I see around me. Thank you so much for your appreciation 😊💐🙏


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