कमियां / Deficiencies

दया घट रही है
करुणा घट रही है
इंसानियत भी घट रही है,
काश हम खून की जांच कर
पता लगा पाते इन कमियों का भी,
ताकि उचित दवाइयाँ ले पाते
उसे बढ़ाते रहने के लिए,
जैसा कि हम करते हैं समय-समय पर
आयरन, कैल्शियम और विटामिन
की कमी के लिए…


Mercy is waning
compassion is waning
humanity is also declining,
I wish we could find out
these deficiencies too,
by examining blood
and administering medicines
to increase the same,
as we do for deficiencies
of iron, calcium and vitamin
from time to time…

–Kaushal Kishore


    1. Thank you, Isha for your generous words for me. In fact, looking to the prevailing position around us, we need regular doses of humanity and blessings. Stay blessed always 😊💐

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  1. I can only think, Kaushal, that the persistent rain affected your normally sound perception.
    Humanity is not in decline, and neither is mercy; every appeal for donations for good causes is answered within a few days with millions of pounds. We are inborn to do good although
    some of us are mislaid in believing it is the money that is God. They are outweighed by the good and altruistic people. And that is a fact. Just remember the hundreds of people who lifted the train to free someone’s leg trapped under!
    I do hope that there is beautiful sunshine tomorrow.


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    1. Thank you, Joanna for your altruistic view that I respect. I also agree that we do and should hope. But the presence of those who are outweighed is felt more than the silent majority. We have to be cautious of such fringe elements. When a deviant boy starts firing indiscriminately at innocent kids or a misguided youth beheads someone, the silent majority remains mute spectators. Remember, we use locks for good people. Locks have no meaning for thieves or robbers.

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      1. It is not only the good people who show that humanity is not silent but countries too.
        India helped Sri Lanka although the money could be used for poor villages in your country, also, India helped in Afghanistan before the Taliban took over. The UK is helping many poorer countries
        with large donations, as indeed many other developed countries do. The help to Ukraine has
        been enormous and it will go on until the country is free, and beyond as they need to be
        rebuilt. I believe that if it wasn’t for the goodness of millions of people – humanity would perish a long time ago.
        The admirable thing, Kaushal, is that you have managed with a few words to create a debate! Thank you!


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      2. I agree, Joanna, the whole world is helping Ukraine, but Russia is doing what it wants to do. This is precisely my point. Ukraine is now devastated and destroyed. Where is humanity now? The good majority remains silent, doing just lip service in the name of help. It can’t stop just one country. Idealism is one thing, while the reality is other. Thank you, Joanna for sharing your reflections.


  2. In agreement with gabychops & KK: the goodness is there, but always having to edge in. It’s not working the way it should. People need help before donations, need to be able to care for themselves, not reliant on goodness that drops like rain (if lucky, if in the right place). A progressive world is one where people can care for themselves without begging, only being.

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    1. I’m in agreement with you. God helps those who help themselves. We cannot survive on donations and outside help for all the time. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful thoughts.

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  3. Humanity needs a vaccine against hate and to prevent destructive behaviors… We don’t have those, unfortunately. Maybe someday we will learn from mistakes and we’ll make wiser and kinder choices.

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    1. You’re absolutely right, and I second your thought that humanity needs a vaccine. For the time being, let’s hope that better sense will prevail for peace and tranquility. Thank you.

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      1. Yes, you are right, there is no word ‘impossible’ in this fast changing world. Thank you, Simone for enjoying the thought.

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  4. What an interesting comparison. Wouldn’t that be something. Who knows what will come in the future especially here in the US. I have been praying about all the families that will never be the same due to mass shootings. Well done KK. I hope your week is going well. Sending you big hugs and love my friend. 🦋❤️🤗

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    1. This may be wishful thinking, Joni, but sincerely hope for a better society with mutual understanding. Mindless violence and war have endangered humanity. Thank you and much love to you 💓💐🙏

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  5. काश कमियों में भी कमी आ जाए
    इंसानियत की कोई विटामिन बन जाये
    बहुत प्यारी रचना,,💕💕sir

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    1. बनेगी जरूर, मुझे आशा और विश्वास है, आज नहीं तो कुछ दशकों के बाद ही सही। बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद 😊💐💖

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  6. Violence, corruption, and other evils make the news worldwide. We are more aware than we used to be. I value the good news, though it’s less sensationalized…heroic rescues, new discoveries, selfless acts…

    The place where deficiencies in humanity are most disturbing to me is in the political realm…so many disturbing events where our only recourse seems to be freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and our vote. In countries without these freedoms, the situation must be much worse!

    Thank you, KK for your poem which highlights these disturbing issues!

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    1. I’m in agreement with you, Cheryl. Thank you for sharing your frank views. Our values have diminished, particularly in political arena. Our news media are also partial and commercialised. The most disturbing fact what I see is that our polling percentage is abysmally poor. We don’t bother to vote and go for picnic, and then criticise politicians in our drawing rooms. In a democracy, franchise is the greatest power we have, but we don’t use it prudently. I think this is our main deficiency.

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