An Easy Option

Difference in opinion
neglect, disregard or ego
results in anger
swelling the distance
that increases force
and then anger
then yelling and shouting
to express feelings,
adrenaline gets released
heart rate rises
blood pressure increases
face and organs flush
needing obviously a lot of
energy and strength…

I go for an easy option
I get emotional
shed a tear or two
and keep mum
but I think πŸ€”
that needs more power
and strength
that I may not have
at times…

–Kaushal Kishore


  1. I lost the comment, and I will say it again:
    My method to deal with those who don’t share my views is to never allow them to make me unhappy or angry. They don’t exist.
    Thank you for the video.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Thank you, Joanna for reposting this valuable comment. I agree and appreciate your way of dealing with such a situation, but I think it is equally difficult. I liked your assertion, they don’t exist. Thank you for appreciating the video.


  2. It’s a funny video just to show the anger. You’re right, Cheryl, anger consumes a lot of energy irrespective of whether you retort or not. Thank you for sharing your experiences πŸ˜ŠπŸ’

    Liked by 1 person

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