No Regret

Affectionately calling me
the apple of her eye,
telling me stories of flowers,
plants, butterflies and fairies
and lullabies under her stole
while making me sleep,
teaching counting and tables
while cooking in the kitchen,
keeping her hand from behind
on my head while studying,
putting her arm around me
to comfort me,
are the luxuries
that I couldn’t find anywhere
till date…

She raised us
with great difficulty
even during the harsh days,
after our father’s sudden demise,
but we never saw her sad,
always saw her doing
something or the other
without complaining to anyone
for anything…

Maybe it was her way
to forget her sorrow and
gather happiness for all of us,
she might never have celebrated
her happiness,
but treated our every achievement
as her own,
by making and offering
halwa and delicious dishes…

Even when we grew up,
she kept worrying about us,
if we were a little unwell,
or a little late,
she was always awake
and accessible…

Three years have passed,
but whenever I think of her,
I do not regret
that I have not seen God…

P.S. Today once again I remembered my mother, and wrote whatever came to my mind. But what has been written here applies to every mother.

–Kaushal Kishore


  1. Thank you, Kaushal, for your beautiful and heartrending tribute to your beloved mother, whom I revered for a long time. You list all the qualities of her unique personality that not only created your extraordinary childhood but made you the man, you are now. I only wish that you didn’t say “all mothers” but all good mothers. as not all are good at all. Here, we have 80 thousand of children in social care, whose mothers wanted to either find themselves, or who drank and took drugs thus preventing them from taking care of their children, and leave alone teaching them any values.
    Thank you for including the picture of your mother. You are blessed indeed!


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    1. Thank you so much, Joanna, for this lovely and fascinating comment on my mother! You’re so kind to me and her. As I always say, she must be showering her blessings on you from wherever she is. You have a point there when you distinguish between mothers and good mothers. I respect all mothers from my side, if some of them are irresponsible, as you have mentioned, it’s their problem. Exceptions are always there. Mahatma Gandhi used to say, “Hate the evil, but not the evil-doer.” Thank you again for your kind words that I treasure.


      1. Thank you, Kaushal, I admire your mother so much! Bad mothers destroy their children lives, that is a fact. Gandhi didn’t see the results of Putin’s evil and Putin has to be hated, surely?


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      2. Putin’s mother can’t be blamed for what Putin is doing. But I strongly feel that Putin needs a Gandhi to reform him.


      3. Putin’s mother did not install in him any values, and can be blamed. Would he behave the same if he had guidance as you had?

        I do wish I could have met your mother, my heart would have touched her feet.


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  2. माँ शब्द पूरे ब्रह्माण्ड में सबसे प्यारा है और मुझे लगता है ओम से ही उत्पत्ति हुई होगी इसकी l

    हम जब भी पुकारें वो जहां भी हो हमे प्यार से अपने आंचल में समेट लेती है चाहे जितनी उम्र हो जाये हमारी मन को शांति मिलती है l बचपन लौट आया लगता है l मेरा भी नमन l

    Liked by 2 people

    1. आपने सही कहा, उम्र चाहे कुछ भी हो, मां के सामने बचपन लौट ही आता है। मां शब्द की उत्पत्ति ॐ से हो सकती है, लेकिन मां शब्द में जो ध्वनि उत्पन्न होती है, वह ॐ से कतिपय कम नहीं। इस विचारोत्तेजक टिप्पणी के लिए आपका हृदय से आभार 🙏

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  3. Wow KK, thank you for this profound and precious tribute to your mother. I love how you go into such vivid and specific detail and at the end leave it as a piece for all mothers. I know all are different but I think somewhere in this piece every mother can relate…and that’s the work of a talented writer!!! Well done my friend 🤍🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m humbled and honoured! That’s such a high praise, Grace. I can’t thank you enough for these lovely words and deep reflections. You’re right, all mothers are different, but all have a common thing, that is the essence of motherhood. Thank you, Grace! Appreciated from the bottom of my heart 😊❤️

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  4. While reading this post I’m remembering my mother. It’s Strongly connected with me too..
    और; हर बार मन में यही ख़्याल आता है कि..
    माँ तू तो है ममता कि मूर्त
    भगवान नज़र आता है..
    जब देखूँ तेरी सूरत❤️💯

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    1. Thank you so much, Cheryl, for your words! I don’t know how she mustered courage and confidence to raise all of us, but being the youngest one, I was closer to her, more emotionally attached.😊💐💖

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