जद्दोजहद / Struggle

जन्म और मृत्यु
के बीच का फासला
बहुत बड़ा भी हो सकता है,
या बहुत छोटा भी…
जिंदगी और कुछ नहीं
बस इस फासले को
बनाए रखने की
जद्दोजहद है…


The gap between
birth and death
can be very large,
or even very small…
life is nothing
but a struggle
to maintain
this distance…

See such a struggle of a mother for her kids…

–Kaushal Kishore


  1. This, Kaushal is such a poignant and desperately sad reminder of turbulence in many lives.
    I know that I should not expect to go to bed happy, but the plight of this brave mother reminds me of the mothers protecting their children against the overwhelming odds in Ukraine, and I have tears in my eyes.


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    1. Thank you, Joanna for your touching words. I had seen this video several times before posting it. I was overwhelmed. A mother remains a mother, full of selfless love. You have rightly equated with Ukrainian mothers. I don’t know how a human being becomes so inhuman and cruel to take lives of fellow humans.

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    1. Yes, David, there are so many aspects of life. In this small poem, I was talking about the length only. Thank you. 💖


  2. An extraordinary video to accompany your fine words. Moved me deeply.

    I keep hoping that the mothers of Russia, who have been a powerful internal force in the past, will have had enough of death and will rise up and make a difference.

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    1. Thank you, Annie ! This video is really touching how a mother risks her own life to save her kids. We can only hope and pray that better sense may prevail in Russia and Ukraine.


  3. The positivity philosophy is good. But I see the original creation by the nature in the form of the mother and man-made equipment like sacred books of many factions not having sensors in….
    One more thing creation does is birth and death together and we separate it by time.

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    1. What a beautiful thought! I wholeheartedly accept what you say. It’s the fact of life. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your thoughtful comment.


  4. अटल है मौत तो क्यों इंतज़ार करे क्यों ना ज़िंदगी को और गुलज़ार करे अपने सपनों को पंख लगा के नयी उड़ान भरे 🌹🌹beautiful post

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    1. सही बात। मौत एक बार आती है, जिंदगी तो हर पल में है। बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।💐

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