
In the temple’s quiet sanctum, you bring,

Flowers, fruits, and gifts, other offerings..

But pause and think, what makes them rare?

And what part of these is truly your share?


You believe the divine relishes your prayers,

The fruits and flowers, laid with tender cares…

Yet remember, these offerings you have torn,

From nature’s cradle, where they were born…


Instead, turn within, where true treasures lie,

The blossoms of consciousness, let them fly…

Offer your love, the purest thing you hold,

An offering more precious than silver or gold…


Share this love, as Prasadam, or potion sweet,

With friends and family, let your hearts meet…

In this true worship, find grace and peace,

For in the love’s embrace, our souls release…


–Kaushal Kishore 

image: pinterest


  1. Kaushalji ,that was an authentic question raised by you needing self introspection!I loved your meaningful poem especially the lines,
    In the temple’s quiet sanctum, you bring,
    Flowers, fruits, and gifts, other offerings..
    But pause and think, what makes them rare?
    And what part of these is truly your share? Thanks for sharing such a concern,sir💕

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you, Kaushal, for your beautifully expressed meaning of sharing love as the most precious offering one can give! I wholly agree with your sentiments, Kaushal, as your wisdom is indisputable!

    That said, I love your image!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you liked the poem and image! I’m overwhelmed by your kind words. So nice of you to say so, Joanna! It’s your graciousness. Thanks so much!


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