
In rhythms, like painting 

on a melody’s sheet..

Stories unfold in dance, 

where souls meet…

Each step a brushstroke, 

a story they unveil…

In language unspoken, 

emotions set sail…


Endorphins, they sway, 

like luminous stars…

Dispelling shadows, 

healing unseen scars…

Natural opioids, they 

weave in their spell…

In the rhythm of dance, 

all find all is well…


–Kaushal KishoreΒ 

image: pinterest


  1. Thank you, Kaushal, for your poetic imagination painting the luminous picture of the beauty of rhythms! Looking at the image we can almost hear the music whie they dance!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Joanna for sharing this beautiful reflections that I have retrieved today from spam folder. You’re so kind, Joanna, but not wp.


  2. Wonderful!
    Namaste KK Sir ji,
    In this eloquent poem, dance emerges as a vibrant tapestry of artistry, where each step and gesture serves as a brushstroke upon the canvas of movement. Through lyrical imagery, the verses weave a narrative of stories unfolding and souls converging in the fluidity of motion, transcending language barriers and embracing universal emotions.
    Indeed, the rhythm of dance emerges as a divine symphony, weaving threads of healing and joy through its pulsating cadence. With each beat, it becomes a sacred conduit, channelling the transcendent power of movement to dispel shadows and mend unseen wounds.
    Awesome work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a beautiful and thought-provoking comment, Arun ji! It has added value to my post. By linking rhythms of dance with divinity, you have added a sublime layer to both of them. Your interpretation gives a wonderful perspective that I truly appreciate. Incidentally, today is the International Dance Day.
      Thank you so much, Arun ji, for reading and adding your eloquent comment! My sincere thanks and regards πŸ™πŸ’


      1. Happy International Dance Day to KK Sir Ji!
        Please see today’s blog .
        In the shadow of provincialism, narrow-minded perspectives thrive, fostering division and ignorance. Understanding its limitations is the first step towards embracing remedial action. Let us illuminate the path towards inclusivity and empathy.

        The Darkside of Provincialism.


        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ll definitely read your blogs. I don’t know why I don’t get notifications of your posts in my Reader. But no issue, will visit your site and read.


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