Embrace Life’s Embrace

In the grand theatre of existence, we tread,

Not merely chasing laurels, nor fearing dread…

For life’s essence lies not in winning’s feat,

But in the shared journey, where souls meet…


Each step we take, a waltz in the cosmic ball,

Every moment, a note in the melody’s thrall…

No victor crowned, nor vanquished in defeat,

For every soul holds a role, unique and sweet…


Through highs and lows, we navigate the tide,

In unity and harmony, our journeys are tied…

For in the tapestry of life, each thread is spun,

Under the same sky, beneath the same sun…


Let’s treasure the moments, both big and small,

In the grand mosaic, each one stands tall…

For in the end, it’s not the score we chase,

But the grace with which we embrace life’s embrace…


–Kaushal Kishore 

image: dkkaul


      1. That’s your graciousness, Nancy. Everything is available in this world, but we have to find out. You take pains to translate, that’s also praiseworthy. प्रशंसनीय।

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  1. Thank you, Kaushal, for the way your beautiful verses express what we should strive for in our life. As always, you remind us about the ancient wisdom to live in peace and harmony, with love for all.

    I love the original image!



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  2. “For in the tapestry of life, each thread is spun,
    Under the same sky, beneath the same sun” —
    Marvelous poem, each verse, and the above lines stood out so brightly to me! 😍🙏

    Liked by 1 person

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