Donkey’s Legacy

In the sacred space, where prayers abound,

An ascetic dwelled, tranquil and profound…

Gathered devotees, offerings in their hands,

Among them a washerman, humbly stands…


With bundles of clothes, he’d head each day,

To the river’s edge, where the waters lay…

The whole day he toiled, hardships he bore,

To return the clothes duly washed for sure…


Moved by  seeing the washerman’s plight,  

The ascetic gifted a donkey, shining bright…

Relieving his burdens, easing the strain,  

But fate dealt a blow, bringing sorrow and pain…


Tragedy befell, as the donkey passed away,

Leaving the washerman in mourning dismay…

With dignity and sorrow, he laid his friend to rest,

In the earth’s embrace, peaceful and blessed…


A passerby, mistaking the whole scene,  

Deemed it a saint’s tomb, tranquil and serene… 

Offering prayers, leaving a donation behind,  

Belief in miracles, in hearts, deeply entwined…


Word spread like wildfire, far and wide,

To the tomb, seekers flocked, hopes tied…

Whispers of desires, prayers left untold,

At the tomb’s side, some mysteries unfold…


Fortunes shifted for the washerman’s plight,

By the tomb’s grace, his future turned bright…

One day, the ascetic passed by with a smile,

As the washerman thanked him, gratitude in style…


“Your donkey,” he said, “transformed my fate,

In its presence, I found strength to navigate…

From livelihood to the miracles divine,

Your gift, a true blessing, forever mine…”


The ascetic chuckled, wisdom in his tone,  

“The way of the world, intricately sewn… 

The sanctuary each day you used to rever,

Was the resting place of this donkey’s mother…”


–Kaushal Kishore 

image: pinterest 


  1. Thank you, Kaushal, for the unusual but beautiful story of a donkey!

    I have a donkey friend, called Buddy, living on the farm but not doing any work, except getting his “wife” Holly, pregnant. I am his biggest fan and know all about him and his family, and his liking for cookies from his visitors, Pat and her husband, Bob who often visit them, give them snacks, take wonderful pictures, and publish all in their posts.

    I love your inspiring tale, Kaushal, as it is moving and portraying a donkey in such a positive light!

    Thank you for your image!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, Joanna, while writing this poetic story, Buddy was in my mind, and expected interesting comments from you and Pat. And I was not wrong. In fact, Buddy is a friend of all followers of Pat’s site. During my childhood, I had seen donkeys used by washermen. So today I recalled this story. Thank you, Joanna, for your kind comment! I’m truly happy that you liked this post and its image.


      1. We went out to give the donkeys an early St. Paddy’s Day treat. When I told Buddy about the Donkey’s Legacy, he stood there blowing me donkey kisses with his ears up and attentive. He was in an unusually well behaved mood today.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So quick, Pat! Thank you for this two-way communication. I’m glad Buddy’s response was quite favourable. A festival day, after all.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. As Joanna has already noted, I too was thinking about Buddy when I read this delightful and unexpected tale. I am guessing it is based upon a real shrine. I’ll tell Buddy about it when we see him this weekend. I’ll let you know if he was impressed or turned his back on me because it did not involve food.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re right, Pat, it’s a true story. So tell Buddy about it. I’m sure, he will also like it, because you and Bob take care of his and his family’s cookies requirements. Thank you so much, Pat!

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