Thesis Writer

Let me tell you another story today.

One afternoon in a forest, a rabbit was busily typing on a typewriter outside a cave. A fox happened to pass by and asked, “What are you doing?”

“I’m writing a thesis,” the rabbit replied.

“Oh really? What’s it about?” the fox inquired.

“The topic is ‘How a rabbit can kill and eat a fox,'” the rabbit answered.

The fox scoffed, “That’s ridiculous! Everyone knows a rabbit can’t kill and eat a fox.”

“Come, let me show you,” said the rabbit.

With that, the rabbit led the fox into the cave. A few minutes later, he emerged with the fox’s bones and resumed typing.

Shortly after, a wolf approached and asked, “What are you working on so intently?”

“I’m writing a thesis,” the rabbit replied.

The wolf laughed, “About what? Tell me!”

“The topic is ‘How a rabbit can eat a wolf,'” the rabbit said.

The wolf, now angry, retorted, “Idiot, that’s impossible.”

“Oh really! Come, I’ll show you the proof,” said the rabbit.

The rabbit took the wolf into the cave, and shortly after, came out alone, with the wolf’s bones, and resumed typing. 

Next, a bear wandered by and noticed the bones. “What are you doing with these bones lying around?” he asked.

“A rabbit killed them,” the rabbit replied.

The bear laughed, “You’re funny. Now tell me, what are you writing?”

“I’m writing a thesis on how a rabbit killed and ate a bear,” said the rabbit.

The bear scoffed, “That’s absurd. This can never happen.”

“Come, let me show you,” the rabbit said, leading the bear into the cave.

Inside the cave, there was a tiger sitting…

So, avoid entering any dark cave to verify the authenticity of such nonsensical theses at the suggestion of a fool. Judging someone by the appearance is unwise; a fool might actually be cunning beneath his foolish exterior.

The moral of the story is: It doesn’t matter how absurd or baseless your thesis is. What matters is who your guide is and how cunning he is.

The entertaining scenario of the rabbit writing a thesis and outsmarting its predators is an example of a fable that conveys the following five principles –

1. Appearances can be deceptive

2. Do not judge a book by its cover

3. Beware of false claims and verify wisely 

4. Strategic alliances has its advantages 

5. Never underestimate the underdog


–Kaushal Kishore 

image: pinterest


  1. Thank you, Kaushal, for the wonderful morality tale beautifully told! The message of your story is a superb guide for life and should be noted for posterity!

    I like the image of a clever rabbit!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. So happy, you liked the story and its message. Thank you so much, Joanna, for your kind words and unwavering support.


      1. I think most of us would agree with you that there are a lot of such cunning rabbits these days. Thank you so much, Maggie!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. “What matters is who your guide is.” This is the most important part. Who is one’s guide determines your destiny. Find One who is historically reliable, validated by miracles and still available to those who are willing to learn to hear His voice; He still speaks.
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

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