Two Brothers

In the household of spirit, two brothers reside,

One glows with confidence, the other with pride…

The elder asserts with a calm, steady might,

“I am good,” he declares, embracing the light…


The younger, with fervour and fire in his tone,

Proclaims, “Only I am good,” standing alone…

The elder one says with conviction, “I can win,”

“No one can defeat me,” the other says with a grin…


“I am ready for any challenge,” says the elder with grace,

While the younger insists, “None can match my pace…”

Each brother steps forward, as their actions unfold,

One’s journey to success, the other’s to ruin and cold…


The elder is self-confidence, the younger’s ego inflated,

Their deeds, not their words, show how they’re fated…

Self-confidence beams with a warm, steady light,

While ego’s fierce blaze leaves shadows in sight…


These brothers mark two paths that diverge in the wood,

One leading to greatness, the other to no good…

In choosing our guide, the lesson is very clear,

Let confidence lead, and keep ego in the rear…


–Kaushal Kishore 

image: pinterest 


  1. Thank you, Kaushal, for the wisdom of your beautiful verses! An inflated ego leads to failure, while Dharma’s path points to greatness, the choice is ours.

    I like, as always your images!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Pat! Happy you liked the poem. Birth order doesn’t play any role here, Pat! It’s upto us to choose one of them, self-confidence or ego.

      Liked by 1 person

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