My Papa, My Guide

Upon my birth, when first I opened my eyes,

I saw a man with my mom, always nearby…

In my small voice, I called him “papa” with pride,

From “p” and “pa,” to a name cherished inside…


In his arms, he’d lift me, tossed high, but secure,

His strength and his laughter, a bond strong and pure…

He taught me to walk, holding my hand tight,

Guiding each step, making my heart take flight…


On my first day of school, his hand held mine,

Leading me forward, a vast world to define…

When I was confused, he helped me see,

In his wisdom, my first guide to be…


To me, papa was my hero, so great and wise,

In his sheer presence, my spirits would rise…

Yet the world moved on fast with a dazzling glow,

Books and friends taught me things he

didn’t know…


He seemed outdated, a relic from the past,

As I grew and changed, his ways didn’t last…

His strictness grew, his temper also flared,

A rift formed where love was once shared…


Then he departed abruptly, my heart despaired,

In my early adolescence, I was unprepared…

Yet his ways I reflect on, throughout life’s maze,

He was mine, my papa, loving in countless ways…


Mother did much, her love deep and true,

Yet a father’s embrace has a singular hue…

Seeing friends with fathers, fortunate and near,

My heart still fills with a longing, so sincere…


Yet some live apart, from parents so dear,

In the same city, but hearts not so near…

A home isn’t small, nor its size does define,

But the depth of love, that hearts intertwine…


I erred in understanding my Papa’s side,

An adolescent’s folly, in me, did then reside…

Yet some remain blind, with wisdom astray,

May God grant them insight, to light their way…


वंदे भवंत पितर महांत सदा वसंत हृदयांतरे मे।


मेरे महान पिता, मैं आपको प्रणाम करता हूं, आप सदैव मेरे हृदय में निवास करते हैं।


I offer obeisance to you, my great father, who ever dwells within my heart.


Happy Father’s Day🎉🎉🎉

–Kaushal Kishore

image: pinterest


  1. Beautifully written! I think every child has the same experience about growing with papa’s love and strictness. Moms are always appreciated everywhere but without papa nothing nothing can happen proper . Today you wrote for every papa as a child. 🙏Happy father’s day to you. Though I don’t know about your children.😊

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You are right, I was also close to my mother. But father has a unique place, though I lost him when I was hardly 13.
      Thank you, Priti, for your kind comment that truly means a lot. My son kept me entertained. 😊💖

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, Kaushal, for the beautiful tribute to your father! Being a father yourself, you understand what it takes to bring up children successfully, and this Father’s Day, is your day too. I hope you are spoiled today!

    I love the image!


    Liked by 3 people

    1. You’re right, Joanna, it was my day too. And yes, my son’s spoiled me to their level best. Happy you liked the poem and image! Thanks again!


  3. Dear KK. It wasn’t until after my mother died in 2009 and we were sorting through her belongings that I began to truly understand what my parents were all about. It’s a shame it isn’t always obvious to us when we are younger; I’m sure I would have handled many things differently. Thank you for sharing this lovely poem. Happy Father’s Day! 🌹

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy for your touching words and deep reflections! I agree with you that our response would be different if had learned the predicament of parents. Thank you for your kind wishes that I heartily reciprocate 🙏💐🙏

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  4. Just had a presentation today in our Sunday class about the importance of fathers being present in their children’s lives! Astounding the problems that are connected to absent fathers.

    “We have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness.” Hebrews 12:9-10

    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re a fountain of knowledge, ca. You have a quote for every occasion, and so apt and appropriate. Thank you, my friend, for sharing your pearls of wisdom 🙏💖

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      1. Lots of books, particularly the 66 short ones that are in the Bible.🤠
        And I’m just old enough to still remember them before I become too old and the memories fade!😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right, Dawn, but those days were tougher for my mother, who played the role of a single parent thereafter. Thank you for sharing your kind words 🙏💐💖

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