A Good Night’s Sleep

I didn’t know there was such a thing as World Sleep Day. It was yesterday (March 17), the third Friday of March, or the Friday before the Spring Vernal Equinox.

The Day started by the Global Sleep Society aims to promote sleep health worldwide, and to reduce sleep related disorders.

Its slogan is Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet and the theme for this year is “Sleep is Essential for Health”. And it goes without saying.

That’s why it caught my attention, because India is the second most sleep deprived country after Japan.

Falling sick, getting headache, feeling tired and agitated, losing concentration etc are the signs of sleep deprivation.

The more common reasons are screen time before bed, addiction to digital and social media, napping anywhere anytime, disturbing the sleep-wake cycle due to abrupt life routine.

A survey on India’s sleep behaviour revealed that 87% of Indians use their phones before bed. More alarming is that the year saw a 21% increase in people feeling sleepy during work hours.

Melatonin is a hormone that our brains  produce in response to darkness. It helps systemise our 24-hour internal clock. Being exposed to light at night can block melatonin production.

During sleep, our immune system releases small proteins called cytokines that are crucial for growth and activity of other immune system cells and blood cells.

So sleep is highly inter-connected to our well-being. Our brains need sleep to work at their best capability. A good night’s sleep is essential for staying healthy and productive.

It’s said that practice makes one perfect, but it’s the practice, followed by a night of sleep, that leads to perfection or near perfection.

Here are some tips to have a sound sleep:
1. Exercise daily.
2. Get 15 minutes of sunlight each morning.
3. Find your sleep schedule and stick to it.
4. Eliminate caffeine in the second half of the day.
5. Avoid alcohol within three hours of bedtime.
6. Avoid light, because darkness promotes sleep.
7. Go to bed after saying prayers and something positive to yourself.

Let me also share the 10-point formula suggested by the World Sleep Society for better sleep:

Please remember that a good laugh and a sound sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.

–Kaushal Kishore

images: pinterest


  1. Thank you, Kaushal, for your informative post on getting a good night’s sleep.
    I wouldn’t wish to annoy anyone suffering from insomnia but I am asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. To all the important points you provided for sleeping well, I would just add one more, a clear consciousness.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I must say, Joanna that you’re one of those fortunate people who have the luxury of sound sleep. Your point is true and valid, baggage in mind doesn’t let you sleep well. Thank you for your kind comment!


  2. Now you tell us. ;(
    I guess it’s never too late to try to get a good night’s sleep.
    But I’m so near to having that final night’s sleep that I think I’ll pass up the directions and enjoy my constant wake-fullness. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  3. This is a valuable post, KK, and it emphasizes a widespread and serious problem. I know if I fail to put my phone away at night that I’ll have difficulty sleeping. Screen abstinence is a fairly easy fix, though it may take practice for those who have become reliant on electronic devices.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You’re right, Annie, some of us have become so dependent on electronic devices that we can’t live without them for a moment. We have become servants to these new age masters. Thank you for sharing your reflections!


  4. As a person whose sleep has been recently under prolonged attack, I can attest to the destructive qualities of its lack. In America we’re so frenetic that sleeplessness has been classed as epidemic. Among the poor, where drug use is pretty much universal, it doesn’t exist unless one is passed out cold.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So sleep deprivation is a universal issue now. Erratic routine and lifestyle have completely destroyed the body clock and sleep pattern. Thank you, Ana for sharing your reflections!


  5. My grandmother had a beautiful philosophy: Eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are tired. Times were simpler back then; it’s not so easy in our daily rat race. Very helpful tips; even if we change 1 or 2 of the negative things in our day it’s bound to make a difference. Thanks KK.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. This is such a good informative post, dear KK. Sleep is often times forgotten about or underrated and it is such a vital key to truly living!!! Thank you for sharing and for your wisdom 🤍🤗

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re right, Grace, we normally neglect this vital thing to attend so-called important aspects of life. Thank you for appreciating the post 😊💖

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I agree with everything you have shared, and for someone who has struggled with sleep my entire life I can share if you follow the tips they really will work. The most difficult part is staying offline for many people today, and with smart phones it is even harder than ever

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right, mobile has become a devil in real life. It’s upto us to see whether we should be servile to this small device. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, there are many ways. It depends which one suits you. Some people follow yoganidra too. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.


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