जरूरत / Need

मैं मायूस था
कि मैं कह नहीं पाया
जो कहना चाहता था,
लेकिन मालूम था उन्हें
मेरी मायूसी की वज़ह,
फिर जरूरत ही नहीं रही
कुछ कहने की…


I was disappointed
that I could not say
what I wanted to say,
but He knew the reason
for my despair,
then there was no need
to say anything…

–Kaushal Kishore


  1. I don’t wish to presume, Kaushal, that I can dwell in your heart, but as I am your true friend as much as you are mine, I would like to take your sadness away in a blink of an eye,
    if I only could.


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    1. That’s so very kind, Joanna! I always appreciate you and your friendship. So long you are there as my friend, I don’t think that sadness will touch me.
      This poem has been written against the backdrop of Lord Buddha’s statue at Sarnath (Varanasi), where I was standing and praying. I couldn’t say prayer, as He knew what I had in my heart.


      1. Thank you, Kaushal, just looking at the statue made me wish that I could be there one day…
        I am a great admirer of Lord Buddha and his immortal wisdom.


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  2. बेहतरीन से भी बेहतर
    आपको छूके आती है जो ये हवा
    अहसास ही सही पर देती है सब बयाँ❤️❤️

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    1. वाह वाह बहुत खूब हैं आपकी दादें
      ये और कुछ नहीं बस हैं
      दिल के किसी कोने से निकली यादें
      धन्यवाद 😊💐💖

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