आभास / Inkling

बिखरी हो सकती है
जिंदगी मेरी
पर सपने और संकल्प नहीं,
जो बिखरे हुए सिरों को
एक सूत्र में पिरोने का
आभास देते रहते हैं…


My life may be scattered,
but not my dreams
and determination,
that provide an inkling
of threading the scattered ends
together onto a string…

–Kaushal Kishore


  1. These sophisticated thoughts, Kaushal, remind me of the way an octopus (one of the most intelligent creatures on earth) weaves her newborn, side of the grain of rice, babies into
    strands so she can keep an eye on them all.
    All great minds think alike!


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Your reflections are always out of box, Joanna! I had never imagined about octopus. That’s what I like about you. Thank you so much for this precious comment. I always remember it.


    1. Thank you, Cheryl, for your kind appreciation. It truly means a lot. I’m glad that you could relate with the post. I agree with what you say. Everything has its own time.

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