डांट / Scolding

तुम कहते हो
सपने में इंतजार करो मेरा,
मैं इंतज़ार करता रह जाता हूँ,
रोज सबेरे फिर,
खानी पड़ती है
डांट सूरज से…

🌞 🌞 🌞

You ask me to wait
in my dream,
I keep waiting for you,
and every morning,
I get scolded
by the sun…

–Kaushal Kishore


  1. Waiting is the pits, KK! I can be patient, but I don’t usually enjoy it! It certainly is a jolt to be awakened from promising dreams…maybe even worse than waiting!

    I loved this poem, KK. Relatable! ❤ Wishing you lots of instant gratification today!

    Liked by 1 person

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